Monday, 8 September 2014

Musical Mondays #1: Soothing Andrew

I discovered Andrew Bird thanks to tumblr. When I first saw his blog I thought "who is this guy?" and being the curious little melomaniac I am the only possible outcome was going to youtube and listening to some of his songs. 

Little I knew this guy was going to become my favorite musician ever. 

There's something very special about Andrew's music. He's a prolific artist, composing and singing his own songs and playing every instrument that lands in his talented hands. As certain organization put it, he's a one-man orchestra of the imagination

And that's exactly what you get. Pure imagination. Andrew's not afraid of experimenting. His music is unique, exceptional, moving, touching. Maybe I'm biased but I had never fell so fast in love with a musician jus by listening to a single live performance. When I listen to his songs, I feel like there's something that finally gets me. Every single note plucked out of his violin brings up a story in my mind that I die to write. 

These songs envelope you and bring you back to a train trip that arrives to an old european city, they take you to some magical place in which you can find cozy wood houses in the forest, to lighthouses overlooking the wild sea from the top of a white cliff, to a cold island in which seals play like little kids and to whatever other scenario your mind can make up. 

I always listen to his songs whenever I'm writing, because it gives me the perfect mood for the things I want to capture in the pages of my notebook. His lyrics are wise and cunning, and his music is always tender and playful. At least these are the things I feel with songs like this

Besides, there's no better way to start a monday. Even more if it is the monday just before my anatomy exam. 

I'd tell you more about Andrew's music, but you have to discover him bit by bit, unravel every song and make it yours. Maybe he doesn't have the cleanest voice, or the most beautiful one, but he's such a great artist that it doesn't matter. His music makes you feel lots of things, and his whistles... Oh, how he whistles. 


Have you ever listened to Andrew Bird's music before? 
What did you think about it? 


  1. I'm so glad you shared this. I had his Noble Beast album when it came out, but lost it when my computer died. Sadly I forgot about him and haven't heard an Andrew Bird song in 5 years (!). Your post brought it all back. I'm listening to Noble Beast now and reliving the enchantment (Tenuousness is my favourite). This is a really lovely post -- you have a beautiful way with words :) And thank you for bringing Andrew Bird back into my life!

    1. No, tHANK YOU for your comment, your words made me smile so much. I'm so glad you remembered Andrew thanks to this post, he's a charming musician. I can't live one day without listening to his voice at least once. I wish I could live on Andrew Bird, writing, reading and chocolate cookies only. Actually, he's not very well known here in Spain, at least I've never heard anyone talk about him, and I play close attention to the musical panorama.
      Telling me I have a beautiful way with words, and in a language that is not even my own, has truly truly TRULY made my day. It has been a tough and tiring one, and seeing that I've managed to bring a bit of joy in someone else's day is precious. You're wonderful <3


If you comment, you will make me happy. Maybe we don't know each other, but making others happy is always a great thing. You're the best.

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